May 21,2003 Old Glory now boxed on
sides (but not the bottom)Old Glory is not yet "undermined" and
awaits this final boxing step before the actual moving can begin. The
SENNA Tree Company is working methodically to keep the tree "healthy"
despite the trauma of its roots being cut. There is significant energy
in the trunk to keep it leafed out, despite the lack of water and oxygen
uptake now.
The NEWHALL RANCH hearing was a major success, thanks to about three
dozen activists...
Everyone arrived at the
Hearing Room at 9:30AM and after a certain amount of confusion, settled
in for the proceedings. Ironically it was Cesear Chavez Day at the
hearing and we were entertained by mariachis (as well as the usual
kittens and puppies.) When the hearing got down to the Agenda Item 11,
the Chaiman got the fully attention of the filled hearing room. The
Proponents of the project were asked to stand and show that they wished
to cede their time to the four designated speakers. The entire rear
of the hearing room stood en masse in a dramatic gesture intended
to demonstrate the "tremendous support" the Newhall Company could bring
to Supervisors. They fielded only seven speakers, who did not address
the issues the judge ruled on, but instead "pitched" how great it was
going to be for the project to go forward. Our group of thirty six
by comparison, was quite focussed on the six points and really hammered
home the environmental message: "the EIR" needs to be revised!"
Antonovich brought a motion to the table, which delayed the vote, opened
the documents up for public review and gave us some room to r-e-a-l-l-y
get specific. You should be proud of the group that came down!
Antonovich makes a surprise motion to consider alternate ways to handle
EIR Process to find "an even greater arms length approach." This action
is in reponse to proposed State Bill AB406 which addresses the kind of
poor review procedure now used by LA County that allowed the concealment
of the [formerly considered extinct] SPINEFLOWER habitat in Newhall
Ranch just beyond Old Glory.
3/17/03 Photo of WESTERN excavation by Larry Kanner
The SENNA TREE men are now deep into the Western side as shown in
Larry's photo. The bottom of the slanted box is its "true" size; the
upper part is back filled with loose dirt after the side is strapped on.
3/16/03 Photo of OLD GLORY from the Cliff by Glenn Mullins
The North side has been excavated to 6 feet and a wooden box side
installed. The South side has been istalled, but the East and West side
are not yet excavated. A cursory inspection has shown no large roots
cut yet; all of the root matter cut was no larger than a couple of
3/4/03 Supervisor's Meeting Tesimony by Tree Sitter
After a long wait for PUBLIC COMMENT, Gabrielle Benton gave a heartfelt
and articulate update on the wound to the tree and alerted the
Supervisor's that their actions remain under the scrutiny of the many
supporters, especially the children. Her testimony was the only public
comment of the day, and she therefore had the "last word" and
impression. We are still keeping their attention on the issue (despite
there reluctance to act.)
3/2/03 First Sunday Vigil At The Tree
A group of about twenty supporters gathered at the corner of Wispering
Oaks and Pico, opposite OLD GLORY, for a twighlight "vigil." This
gathering will hopefully be the first of many, allowing the public to
demonstrate its support - despite the fences, guards and "unwelcome" put
in place by Laing Homes.
3/1/03 Strategy Meeting Chaired by Quigley
A daylong conference in which many long and short term objectives were
discussed, was held in Valencia with group of supporters of OLD GLORY.
John Q. guided the meeting through the formation of various "action
teams" each with a unique focus. The end goal is to build the strength
of our coalition of the various groups and interests.
2/27/03 IEC Meeting Cancelled!
The Interagency Engineering Committee that approved the road alignment
that threatened Old Glory, was to meet with the public in attendance to
decide on the next section of the Pico Canyon Road. This meeting was
scrubbed because the Public Works said they "weren't ready" Immediately
after this announcement, Conal McNamera was moved from the Supervisor's
Antonovich Office to a new position at the Public Works (to "streamline
the process...for the building industry")
2/26 Update - OLD GLORY roots are being cut :-(
I heard a blurb on KPCC that Old Glory has had it's roots cut and
that they are about to move it. Does anyone else have more info?
Yes, sorry to report that its true, the SENNA TREE COMPANY began excavation on two sides of the tree using two backhoes, digging six feet deep trenches. The trench on the South side of the tree got a large wooden panel lowered in and shored against the root ball. The gaps were filled with great mounds of dirt, tamped in with the bucket.
of workers and their heavy machinery Wednesday Feb 27, 2003 - copyright
The process began in the rain on Monday, and continued yesterday (while
I was meeting with the county about how to reroute the road, and stop
any work on the tree through a challenge to their permits!) Today was a
total surprise; we had scheduled a press event with Cynthia Harris to
present a donation check and to discuss the realignment of the Pico
Canyon segment at Dead Horse Canyon.
Thankfully there was a significant press presence and three
helicopters, a couple of news vans and the major LA publications all
managed to look in at the horrific deed. Matt Zubal, John Q., Travis,
Jerry, Jeff Johnson and several others of the "Coalition to Save Old
Glory" showed up for the press conference and were there to witness -
from outside the armed guard patroled perimeter fence.
What does this mean for the tree? At this time all of the roots are NOT
cut, and if SENNA were to stop right now, it would be better than the
complete amputation and strangulation of the roots involved in boxing
and moving. We are still attempting to put a stop to this - through
several avenues, all of which are "political" (meaning that we need
support from the "authorities" in the county government to work with us
against the Public Works plan of making the expressway.) Its a tall
In the meantime, let SENNA, Laing and the County know how concerned you
are about their actions. The tree is in full bloom and looks fantastic,
there is no new development down the road for years and yet here they
are spending hundreds of thousands to prove to you and your family that
they care about this tree.
Hold the image of the growing, eternal tree before your eyes and pray!
2/25Update: Los Angeles County Supervisors Meeting:
Only Tom and Robert Pittman showed, but the agenda was light and after a little administrative wrangling, Tom again addressed the Supervisors, this time on an Agenda item put up by Antonovich to "promote the equestrian lifestyle" in conjunction with the city of LA. Tom made the point of supporting the concept of open space, but contrasted the currently thinking in planning as inconsistent with this "traditional western" lifestyle. The supervisors listened for one minute, but the comments made the press. Go figure.
2/18Update: Los Angeles County Supervisors Meeting:
Only a few of us showed up for this event, but it was still productive. Tom commented on the agenda item relating to the destruction of four oak trees in a county park in the fourth district to make way for a library. Instead he suggested that they should transplant these small 8inch established tree, and unlike the 90in Old Glory, their chances for survival would be good. (Thus bringing Old Glory back into the hearing room, but trying to save other oaks as well) Tom's further suggestion was to move the trees to the fifth district to a park under construction, to commemorate the fallen Deputy March. The Board actually liked this idea, and told staff to figure it out.Natasha Walton gave testimony in the public comment period, without interruption for he full three minutes. Her points on the survivability of the tree were well made, and at the end Yvone Brathwaite-Burke said, "yes, we hear you, every week!" Showing that we are continuing to make an impression.
2/11Update: Los Angeles County Supervisors Meeting:
Two dozen Save Old Glory supporters including celebrities, road experts, tree experts and caring children and parents went "downtown" with written testimony, speeches and a well produced PowerPoint presentation. In a surprise move, Chairwoman Supervisor Yvone Brathwaite-Burke changed the rules and the time for each speaker was reduced to one minute. Fortunately the "heat" just made it more obvious that the Supervisors are not yet getting the message. We must keep coming back!
2/7 Update:
OLD GLORY still stands on PICO! The current pictures taken by volunteer Glen from the cliff show the work done by SENNA Tree Company to prepare the oak for moving. Currently the tree is being fed to stimulate root growth, and to our knowledge the root system remains intact. The tree is very vulnerable as it is "pushing" a lot of energy to leaf out.
The County Board of Supervisors is going to meet again on Tuesday Feb 11, 2003 and we hope you can join us at the PUBLIC COMMENT period which follows each meeting. Each member of the public can address the Supervisors for no more than three minutes, but you can also submit six copies of written testimony. Our objective is to get the Supervisors to direct County Public Works and County Regional Planning to reconsider the road plan for Pico - with reduced speed and capacity specifications so that the "alternative" road designs that Save Old Glory will meet county standards.2/6 Update:
County Public Works finally responds to the questions posed by Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky at the 1/14 hearing in which the suggestion was made to lower the speed limit on Pico. James Noyes of Public Works spells out in detail the facts about Pico Cyn as a MAJOR HIGHWAY! This "high capacity and high speed" roadway is needed for "future development" and is as outrageous as it sounds: 65MPH design speed and a 100 right of way (enough for six lanes.)
1/18 Update:
A rally was held on Saturday 1/18 in front of Newhall Land headquarters to show support of saving Old Glory, and to protest Newhall Ranch and to dessiminate information about this proposed monstrosity which is behind the removal of Old Glory.
By 11am there were 60-70 people gathered, and passing cars honked their support. Many children came, learning a valuable lesson in civic responsibility and citizenship. Ultimately this area will be theirs, and saving some of the natural beauty and habitat for them seems as obvious to adults as saving Old Glory is to the children.
Information about Newhall Ranch was discussed, including maps and photographs showing previous environmental affronts by Newhall Land.1/12 Update:
1PM: To the shock of many, Sunday found Old Glory under assault by crews from Senna Tree Company, who apparently has been hired by John Laing Homes to attempt the doomed move of Old Glory down Pico Canyon Road. Register your protest with Senna:Senna Tree Company
115 Foothill Blvd. M140, La Crescenta CA 91214
Tel: 818-957-5755
Fax: 818-957-5255
Mr. John Mote email:![]()
You can see the backhoe to the right of Old Glory in this westward view up Pico Canyon. It also shows the room on both sides of Old Glory for a split road. Obvious as it is to the community, the County can't see a way to fit a road on the right only slightly wider than the one on the left..
You can see how close to Old Glory the backhoe is getting. There is nowhere near the rootball size being taken that a giant such as Old Glory would require.
The claim that the tree is being moved before it leafs out is seen to be false, as this photos show. Old Glory has broken out it's leaf buds for the year already, and is therefore in need of massive anounts of water and nutrients, which it will no longer be able to get form its severed root system. In its 400 years of adaptation it has never had to deal with such an attack.Please write Antonovich, Laing, and Senna and register your outrage over this attack upon our community's heritage. Addresses are below.
CONTINUED! See these pages for the earlier events.
EARLIER! See these pages for the earlier events.
Contact Supervisor Mike Antonovich:Phone: (213) 974-5555
FAX: (213) 974-1010
email the Webmaster for questions about this site.